Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Things # 14 & # 15

I 'took a look' at technorati and found it not very enticing in comparison to delicious which I found cute and user friendly. The advertising and the celebrity focus which is all too common on websites I come in to contact with is a bit nauseous. I did a keyword search for ''Learning 2.0" and got 992 results for a tag search, 824 for Blog Directory, and 11,905 for a Blog Posts search using the 'exact phrase' and 'search in all blogs' options but this result was significantly narrowed when I changed from search in all blogs to 'blogs about'. I didn't find anything of particular interest under'popular' (actually the word 'popular' makes me not want to click-like when a shop assistant tells you the dress your looking at is very popular as if it would make me want to buy it)

My thoughts on these peoples musings are quite lengthy and I won't get web.2 finished if I elaborate so to start with...I really enjoyed reading 'To a temporary place in Time' especially '...the avalanche of material available will put a premium on service, on tailoring information to needs, and on developing participatory relationships with customers.' as avalanches do need some negotiating. I like the idea of librarians guiding patrons on their way
through the infinite mazes of information and I love the idea of Libray 4.0 being a return to the and relaxing solitude of an actual and physical library experience as opposed to a virtual one. A bit like the post war invention of instant coffee-revolutionary and time saving but reducing coffee to an instant drug rather than a tasty beverage and now..... real bean ground coffee has made a triumphant return (in New Zealand anyway) as there really is no need for coffee to be instant unless you are climbing a mountain in an avalanche.

Library 2.0 is exciting and essential and I am excited about a lot of it but I feel that the other 'perspectives 'I read from eOCLC neglect to mention that humans come to a library for the physical space as much as for the information to be found-not everyone wants their whole world to be accessed from a screen, or their home. Some people like to roam and I like walking into a library because it is not a shop and no-one is going to try (overtly) to sell me something and I don't have to talk to anyone if I don't want to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great thoughts and comments...keep going its all plain sailing from now on