Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thing # 11

http://www.librarything.com/catalog/lucycloudy Here is the link to my Library Thing catalogue. I loved Library Thing. I really enjoyed adding the books to my library-especially choosing the exact covers of the books I own or have read. It felt quite nostalgic. I lent my paperback copy of 'John Dollar' one of my favourite books ever to someone and never got it back and now it's difficult and expensive to order so its quite nice to have a virtual copy. I really liked the suggestions options and have noted down some books that I have vaguely heard of but couldn't quite remember the names of. I even created a widget and felt quite pleased with myself when it went so smoothly. The word 'widget' itself is very cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do like Dostoyevsky myself!

You're making good progress and you are halfway there - keep it up!